How to Accidentally Raise a Feminist Daughter

My piece this week for Role/Reboot is about my dad. I’ve written about him before, but this is the first time I ever directly asked him if he had intended to have a feminist daughter.

The conversation started because I found a postcard he had sent from a business trip in 1998. On the front, Rosie the Riveter (You see? It all started so young!) with Hillary Clinton’s face, and on the back, well, just look right →

Here’s the essay:

Related Post: Massachusetts reconsiders custody bias.

Related Post: On joint custody


Filed under Family, Gender, Republished!

3 responses to “How to Accidentally Raise a Feminist Daughter

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  2. Pingback: I’m Reading Sandberg So You Don’t Have To (But You Should) | rosiesaysblog

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